Thursday 7 August 2014

First post woo

Hi there.

I´ll just start off by saying that I´m starting this blog, not so much to be read, but to write. I felt I needed the practice; writing papers and such for school has never really been one of my fortes. Not that I'm dissatisfied with them, once I finish them. It's just that because there are so many restrictions and rules to follow, that it becomes a bit paralyzing. Because of that, I have a tendency to procrastinate.

So, to try to counteract that, I have started this blog to be able to write in a bit more of an easygoing environment. No real need for things such as footnotes and proper structuring of texts exceeding 5000 words on a topic I need to rigorously research for three weeks before I can even begin. In this blog, I write on the topics that occupy my everyday thinking. I always have these ideas rolling around in my head that I feel would benefit from being written down and analyzed, so now there is a place for that. Meanwhile, I have an oppurtunity to write, and practice getting better at that.

The topics, I think, will vary a bit, but I wanted to focus on a few main themes. First, one of my greatest passions, HEMA, or Historical European Martial arts. I am both a practitioner and an instructor in this, and am constantly thinking of ways to improve my interpretations and didactic skills. Second, academia. This might be too big and pretentious a word for what it actually will entail, but I might devote a few blog posts to ideas on the periphery of writing a paper, or the academic context of HEMA. Lastly, I have been getting into strength training over the last few months, specifically barbell training. I'm always trying to improve myself in this regard, and this occupies my thoughts quite a bit, so one might expect one or two posts on that as well.

This all of course assuming I actually keep this up, and this won't become one of those blogs where you see an opening post full of hopes and dreams, dated three years old, and the rest is a graveyard. There are literally thousands of those on the Internet, and mine might become one of them, who knows. No matter though, because, like I said, this is more of an online notebook than a real blog, so readers mustn't expect too much.

That said, I hope to be adding to this blog frequently, as I think it'll be beneficial to me and my scattered brain to have a central repository of my wandering thoughts. And who knows, maybe someone else will somehow benefit!

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